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Wellness Center Offers 坎伯兰 Students Pockets of Peace

比如著名运动员大阪直美,西蒙娜·拜尔斯 and Lane Johnson to superstar celebrities like rapper Kanye (Ye) West and comedian Pete Davidson, the topic of mental health awareness has been at the 这是许多人心中最重要的. 

In an effort to help students adapt to these challenging times, the Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) Wellness Center at 坎伯兰 is dedicated to assisting them in attaining positive health outcomes. 该中心还提供了一个安全的空间 where students can go if they are looking to find some inner peace. 

“We offer full, clinical counseling services,” said John Wojtowicz, director, 学生心理咨询 & Wellness. “我们也提供病例管理,我们做到了 食品储藏室. 我们的运作更像是一个社区健康中心.”

The director also revealed the Wellness Center is available to 坎伯兰 students who are “just having a bad day or if they have a pervasive 以及持续的精神担忧.” 

There are myriad reasons why students might experience negative 心理健康结果. The Wellness Center provides a plethora of services that can help them get out of a 各种艰苦的情况.

“We have case management where we can get students connected with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),” said Wojtowicz. “If a student is homeless, if their electricity is turned off at home, or if their water gets shut off — we’re here to navigate those environmental concerns.” 

Since March 2020, the pandemic has been hanging over everyone’s 头像不祥的云. 健康中心的咨询师 观察它对学生的影响. 

“我们肯定 注意到学生们没有那么投入和投入 because they’re dealing with so many stressors in their personal lives,” said Ruby Aparicio-Pagan, Licensed Social Worker, mental health counselor at the Center. “It has definitely impacted them socially, emotionally, mentally and 身体上的.”

“Students have a grieving process they go through because they didn’t have the normal high school senior experience and now, they’re not having that normal college experience,” said Mary Brown, graduate student, and intern at the Wellness Center. “I think 对我们的很多学生来说,这是一个巨大的调整.” 

Every cloud has a silver lining, even during the toughest times, and the counselors shared a few thoughts about how students can cultivate a 健康的心理状态. 

“我不认为有一个快速的解决办法. 这需要一些时间。” 说Aparicio-Pagan. “但我坚信生活方式几乎不会改变 you can make to take care of yourself, like participating in sound healing 我们将在校园举办的活动. 任何能让你 幸福和一点点安宁.”

我同意Ruby的观点. 这是关于适应的问题,”热爱音乐的沃伊托维奇说 文学,写作和在开放式麦克风上表演诗歌. “你做的事情 every day are going to affect your health outcomes as far as wellness, as far 身体健康,以及精神健康. 这不是你唯一的假期 花一年的时间,或者你参加的一个研讨会. 就是那些小小的调整 每一天都会有这样的结果.”

“I think our students have been, in that way, very resilient in 适应心理健康,”他继续说道. “有一个学习曲线 我们生活在这个新空间里的每个人. 学生能做的就是正义 继续适应,过好每一天, 让他们专注于自己的目标. 不要关注 on how things should have been and move towards accepting how things are.”

Aparicio-Pagan, who enjoys listening and dancing to Cumbia, also noted the importance of those in the public eye, like Osaka and Biles, sharing 他们与世界的经历. “我希望这两位了不起的女性 athletes speaking up about their struggles encourages​ not only our students, but all of us to work on our mental health. 我是多余的 hopeful that their message will reach those who traditionally and statistically do not speak about mental health or access services, for example people of color.” 

The RCSJ Wellness Center at 坎伯兰 is a welcoming place for students who may feel uncomfortable sharing their feelings with family and friends. “The clinicians here are just regular people,” said Wojtowicz. “We’re 不是来分析或诊断的. 把它当作一个安全的空间来发泄和交谈 一个你可以制定计划的地方. 和你说话的人不是 评判你. 我们只是来支持学生的.” 

健康中心的咨询师 a valuable message they 想和学生们分享. “我鼓励学生充分利用 健康服务,”Wojtowicz说. “你不必在你的最后 rope. We encourage students to be proactive about their mental health and take 一天中那些专注的时刻. 找到能给他们带来快乐和 incorporate that into their schoolwork and into their lives. 我认为这是 成功的关键要素.”

“我完全同意约翰的观点,”阿帕里西奥-帕甘说. “不要等 until you’re in the burning building and have a firefighter come to save you. 过来看看吧。. 请尽可能地利用这些资源.”

For more information about the RCSJ Wellness Center at 坎伯兰, please visit坎伯兰. For information about upcoming RCSJ Wellness Wednesday events, please visit

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